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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Natural Treatment For All Thyroid Problems – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

BEST EVER Natural Treatment For All Thyroid Problems – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

These are just few of the many abhor symptoms that a malfunctioning thyroid gland can manifest itself into and wreak havoc in your life.
Needless to say, that with symptoms as severe as the ones listed above, your life can end up becoming only a small percentage of what you want it to be or had imagined it to be.
Frustration creeps in and you start losing hope. No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to undo the ill effects of the illness and the damage keeps compounding.
As much as it sucks, I have been there myself and experienced the worst of its brunt.
While in my case it was Hypothyroidism (with T3, T4 and TSH levels that were astronomically high) which had gone undetected for more than a decade, thyroid dysfunctions can come in the shape of many other illnesses such as Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Nodules, Para-thyroidism, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s, Tumors and even Cancer in and around the gland.
No matter where you are located, chances are, that if you are impacted by any of the above, you already are taking a medicine (such as Synthroid/Thyronorm/Levothyroxine) or have been pointed in the direction of radiation sessions or even a surgery to remove the gland itself.
The way healthcare is setup today in most parts of the world, it ceases to facilitate true wellbeing and has sadly become a hyper extension of endless capitalism. The focus is sadly on mending symptoms rather than curing root causes or ever looking for those in the first place.
Cooked clinical tests, spurious lab work, government funded epidemics, profit oriented charities, commissions earning doctors/healthcare professionals are all factors that contribute and feed into an already humungous scam beyond comprehension of the common person.
Technological advances coupled with extremely lazy lifestyles, awful eating habits and record breaking advertising/marketing gimmicks has made humankind sicker than ever before in all of its recorded history.
And the reason for that is very simple – we are all guilty, very guilty.
Guilty of forgetting how powerful the human body is if its given the right stimuli. Guilty of falling prey to the fake notion of how every (health) problem can be instantly fixed with a pill. Guilty of making greed the master of our lives rather than good health itself.
But thankfully, the trend is being bucked now because we have all learned our lessons, and those too, the hard way.
We are all, in our own little ways, trying to go natural again, having made some humble beginnings. More and more of us are researching our old texts/scriptures to find root cause cures rather than cosmetic tape work.
And it is exactly from that spirit, tone and domain that I bring you this amazing remedy that has already cured me, and thousands of people like myself who were life threateningly impacted by one or more of the thyroid diseases described above.
While the roots of this remedy can be traced back to Russia, this has been widely used by many people across Eastern Europe for hundreds of years and has cured countless people until date.
The most amazing facet of this remedy is that it not only cures your thyroid malfunctions, which is the master gland responsible for your metabolism, but it also restores your overall endocrine system in ways that are truly remarkable and are best experienced first-hand rather than being read about.
What do you need:
3 liters Vodka – The Vodka grade should be anything between 35 – 70 degrees. Whether it is potato based or grains based, does not make a difference.
90-120 walnuts – The Walnuts should be brown and the popular varieties that can be used could be English, American or Indian, amongst others.
Three 1-1.5 liters glass jars/bottles – This is where the tincture will be made/stored by you.
Total Time: 3 cycles each being one month long with a 10 days break in between
How to prepare:
For each cycle/bottle, you need to extract filaments from 30-40 walnuts. You don’t need the nuts or the shells, only the filaments (paper like substances which hold the nut inside) from the walnuts.
Put these filaments in a large (1-1.5 litre) glass bottle/jar and add 1 litre of vodka.
Put this mixture away in a refrigerator (or a cool dark place) for 21 days. While occasional shaking of the mixture is a good practice (but not a must), please remember that 21 days (leaving longer has no significant impact) is the bare minimum that you need to keep this mixture as is before you start consuming it as part of the remedy.
How to consume:
Come Day 22, you need to consume 2 tea spoons (approximately 10ml) 3 times a day before you take your meals.
A schedule that you could potentially follow is 8 am – 2pm – 8pm or 9 am – 3pm – 9pm. Just make sure your consumption is distributed throughout the day at even intervals.
Also, please remember that this needs to be followed whether you are fasting intermittently, eating less/more than 3 times a day or not eating at all.
Check out my Youtube video on this
How to complete the remedy:
As mentioned earlier, this remedy will be done across 3 cycles with a 10 days break in between each cycle.
Also, in terms of the current thyroid medication (whatever it is) that you are taking, please continue with the current dosage during the first cycle, halving the dosage from the end of the first cycle to the end of the second cycle, and completely stopping your medicine altogether from the end of the second cycle until the end of the third.
In case you are wondering, one bottle will last you an entire month and that is why its called one cycle.
Check out my follow up Youtube video onthis
And that is all.
If you or the people that you care for need help with thyroid disorders, I urge you (and your loved ones) to try this remedy at the earliest and see the magical results for yourself.
It is a totally naturally remedy and works at addressing the root cause itself thus bringing holistic health benefits.
And the best part?
You will never need to go back to the pills ever again in your life regarding any thyroid issues.  You will feel young, energetic and as great as you would have felt in a very long time.
Spread the word –
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