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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Castor Oil for Fertility / Castor oil untuk kesuburan

 credits to : Dalene Barton, CH, Doula of natural-fertility

Castor Oil Therapy for Reproductive Health

Castor oil therapy has been used for centuries to promote healing in the body and, more specifically, the reproductive system. Castor oil packs are an excellent therapy when used with Self Fertility Massage and while Fertility Cleansing.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the Castor plant (Ricinus communis), also known as Palma Christi. Castor oil has been used for thousands of years, dating back as far as 4,000 years.

What is a Castor Oil Pack?

A Castor Oil Pack is a cloth soaked in castor oil which is placed on the skin to enhance circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin.

What Can a Castor Oil Pack be Used for?

How To Use A Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil has been traditionally used to aid in cases with inflammation, pain, growths or when increased circulation was desired.
Edgar Cayce, the “father of holistic medicine”, suggested external application of castor oil packs to stimulate the organs of the abdomen (liver, gall ladder and colon) and as treatment for adhesions in the abdomen. ‘Practitioners of integrative medicine have adopted the use of castor oil packs for a wide variety of conditions, particularly female reproductive problems, for example, The Wellness Resource Guide for Medical Students suggests using hot abdominal castor oil packs for menstrual cramps. Dr. Christiane Northrup recommends abdominal castor oil packs (60 minutes per session, two to four times a week) for both the treatment and prevention of cramps and pelvic pain for women experiencing the common pelvic symptoms… The American Cancer Society website states that, “Naturopathic practitioners… and some others claim that castor oil boosts the immune system…”‘ shares Dr. Eric A. Mein, et al. in the journal Evid. Based Integrative Med
When it comes to fertility, Castor Oil packs could be a great, supportive and relaxing therapy for:
  • Supporting ovarian health
  • Supporting fallopian tube health
  • Supporting uterine health
  • Detoxifying before conception
  • Supporting Egg Health

How Do Castor Oil Packs Promote Healing?

Castor oil packs stimulate 3 important parts of the body: lymphatic and circulatory systems and the liver. The stimulation of these body systems aids the body in healing the organs and tissues beneath where the castor oil pack is applied.
    Lymphatic System
    The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph, a clear to yellowish fluid. Lymphocytes are the cells of the lymphatic system. Lymphocytes help to provide immunological defense against disease. This system runs throughout our entire body. Lymph nodes are concentrated in certain areas of the body. Many lymph nodes surround the reproductive organs.
    The lymphatic system removes toxins and waste from the area stimulated by the castor oil pack. The lymphatic system provides each cell in the body a means to get rid of waste. The lymphatic system relies on external movement and manipulation, as well as regular movement of the entire body to function. The lymphatic system does not have a “pump” to move the lymph through it like the circulatory system has the heart. Castor oil packs are one way to stimulate movement of lymph. Regular exercise is also a vital way to maintain lymphatic system health.
    Stimulation of the lymphatic system occurs by applying the Castor oil pack over the reproductive system. This helps to cleanse the reproductive organs and promote healing of damaged tissues where the pack is applied.
    Circulatory System
    The circulatory system is more familiar to most people, the most familiar parts being the heart, blood, veins and arteries. It runs throughout the entire body.
    The promotion of circulation by the castor oil pack will bring in fresh oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to the reproductive organs, including the uterus. Without proper circulation to the reproductive organs, they may not function at their best; this may invite disease, hinder proper healing of damaged areas, and promote formation of scar tissue and adhesions.
    The Liver
    The liver is our chemical processing plant. The liver removes hormones, drugs, and other biologically active molecules from the blood. It then converts these by changing their structure or inactivating them, through different processes, and then excretes these to be passed through the kidneys. If there are too many excess toxins and hormones overwhelming the liver, they may be stored up, not only in the liver, but other parts of our body, especially fat.
    The liver also makes 1/3 to 1/2 of all lymph. Liver health is vital to proper functioning of the lymphatic system. A liver that is overwhelmed due to poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, being sedentary, or exposure to xenohormones, cannot adequately function or produce lymph as well. This may contribute to hormonal imbalance and disease.

How to Use a Castor Oil Pack

Soak the flannel cloth that is contained in the kit with castor oil and place it on the skin. Cover the flannel with a sheet of plastic then a hot water bottle or heating pack is placed over the plastic to heat the pack. Cover everything with a towel and relax.
The best place to place a castor oil pack for fertility issues is over the lower abdomen.
Precautions: Castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be applied to broken skin. It should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during menstruation. If you are actively trying to conceive, discontinue use after ovulation has occurred.

How to prepare your Castor Oil Pack

  • One flannel cloth contained in the kit
  • One bottle of Castor oil contained in the kit
  • Plastic wrap cut one to two inches larger than the flannel (can be cut from a plastic bag)
  • Hot water bottle
  • Container with lid
  • Old clothes and sheets. Castor oil will stain clothing and bedding.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Place the flannel in the container. Soak it in castor oil so that it is saturated, but not dripping.
2. Place the pack over the affected body part.
3. Cover with plastic.
4. Place the hot water bottle over the pack. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes. Rest while the pack is in place.
5. After removing the pack, cleanse the area with a dilute solution of water and baking soda.
6. Store the pack in the covered container in the refrigerator. Each pack may be reused up to 25-30 times.


Castor oil packs stimulate important detoxification systems in the body, including the lymphatic system and the liver. Castor oil packs also stimulate healthy circulation. All of this is important for clearing out toxins, dead or foreign tissues, and old blood. The stimulation of these systems may also help prevent disease in the reproductive organs. Castor oil packs are a great way to support a healthy reproductive system.

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