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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lazy way to loose weight

I am totally fat.. i cant count how many people ask me if i am pregnant, beside getting someone to give you a seat in LRT. Theres no other benefit of being fat..

So i blamed no one but me,  i read somewhere that you are what you eat.. and its so true..
for the reason of looking good i need to lose weight so i wont get all the fatso sickness like the dreaded stroke diabetes and what not..

I want to eat healthy but let me eat my mee hoon, eggs and coffee for breakfast today...

Zumba for 30 mins before starting work at 9 am.... good job women..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lite FM Dinner Zende Restoran

Semalam i dan anak i Ashley pi ke Dinner Lite FM.
I teruja berjumpa dengan Sarah dan Richard kerana setiap hari i mendengar celoteh mereka yang begitu berinfomasi di udara.

Sejak dua menjak ini entah i dah suka mendengar lagu oldes... mungkin mengikut peredaran usia, yang semakin tinggi kiraannya.

Buffetnya sangat sedap, tapi i terlalu kenyang untuk makan kuantiti yang banyak.

I enjoy spending time with my lovely daughter.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Castor Oil

Castor Oil from the Blog :

Using Castor Oil Packs Can Help You Conceive
Castor oil therapy consists of using a warm castor oil wrap over the abdomen in order to stimulate blood flow to this uterus and ovaries. Castor oil treatments are quite often recommended by holistic practitioners to treat many gynaecological disorders in women including fertility related problems, like endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

This type of treatment is very helpful in many cases to resolve infertility because the castor oil pack relieves congestion and inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Castor oil therapy increases circulation to the reproductive organs and helps detoxify the liver improving the metabolism of hormones. In these cases, castor oil is used by employing packs over the abdomen (Castor oil abdominal packs) covering both the uterus and liver. Castor oil is absorbed easily into the body through the skin and its healing components are delivered directly into the body tissues.
Castor Oil Benefts and Fertility
The benefits of castor oil are many. First of all, it removes the waste products from the cells and tissues where it is applied enhancing detoxification of the organs. Then, it decreases inflammation and assists the body in the removal of inflammatory components like prostaglandins. One of the main castor oil benefits is its ability to assist the liver eliminate excess hormones.

The most important function of the liver, as far as fertility is concerned, is to regulate blood sugar, and take part in hormone metabolism. Castor oil is also easily absorbed into the lymphatic circulation. Here, it stimulates the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the blood vessels allowing the free flow of oxygen and nutritional substances to reach the tissues more efficiently.

Furthermore, the relaxation of the smooth muscle of internal organs, such as the stomach, intestines, gall bladder and liver, and uterus is highly effective for pain relief as castor oil therapy reduces inflammation and excess congestion.
How Do Castor Oil Treatments Work?
Scientific studies have shown that castor oil treatments can boost the immune system by increasing the number of total lymphocyte count. This is another benefit of castor oil due to its ability to stimulate lymphatic drainage and removal of waste products from the tissue.

This is why a castor oil pack is often employed as a form of mild detoxification when applied over the liver, gall bladder and sp
Breaking Up Scar Tissue
Castor oil therapy can be effective in breaking up scar tissue and adhesions, in loosening up masses and in drawing out toxins from as deep as 8 cm. When dangerous toxins enter the blood stream, they can potentially cause free radical damage, inflammation, and DNA damage.

If the liver cannot detox efficiently, environmental chemicals are stored in the fat cells. This is one of the root causes of women's diseases like uterine fibroids, endometriosis, breast cysts, glucose imbalances, thyroid problems, etc. All of these conditions, as you can see, ultimately lead to infertility or fertility issues of some sort. Castor oil therapy that uses the application of a castor oil pack on the abdomen is a simple way to address all of these conditions at once.
Benefits of Castor Oil Therapy Using A Castor Oil Pack
The use of topical castor oil is very important when treating conditions related to poor drainage of the lymphatic system and congestion of organ tissues. The most important component of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid component which has the ability to draw toxins out of the tissues.
The following conditions respond to the application of castor oil packs:
1. Menstrual dysfunction of painful periods.
2. Liver, pancreas and gallbladder disorders.
3. Digestive and stomach problems.
4. Adhesion and scarring of the fallopian tubes.
5. Improve peristalsis and elimination through the bowels.
6. Benign fibroids, endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
7. Lymphatic congestion and swollen lymph nodes.
8. Constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions.
9. Bladder and vaginal infections.
10. Fibrocystic breast disease.

When to Use A Castor Oil Pack
Duration of castor oil therapy: 45-90 minutes 3-5 times a week for at least 8-16 weeks. During the first two menstrual cycles the ovarian pain and menstrual discomfort should decrease. Taper off slowly by decreasing the number of session per week. Sometimes a longer period of time is required.
Safety Precautions
Do not apply a castor oil pack on broken skin, during menses and after ovulation if you are trying to conceive. If you are suffering from any serious or chronic condition, consult a natural health practitioner before applying castor oil. Do not use a castor oil pack if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or suspect to be pregnant. It is best to avoid castor oil treatments if you have uterine bleeding or suffer from cancerous tumors. Castor oil should not be taken internally. Because it causes severe abdominal spasms.

To make a castor oil pack you will need the following items:
1. Cold pressed castor oil Kit.
2. Magic bag or water bottle.
3. Tow cotton flannel pieces of 1 foot square each.
4. One piece of plastic bag one foot square in size.
5. A towel.
Directions for Applying Castor Oil Abdominal Packs:
a. Soak the flannel pieces in castor oil, generally about 1 cup of castor oil will be enough. Place them over your whole abdomen (make sure to include the liver and the uterus). Alternately, you can just spread a generous layer of castor oil directly on your skin and cover with the flannel pieces.

b. Place the piece of plastic on top and then place the towel.
c. On top of the towel place the warm water bottle or the magic bag.
d. The pack should remain in place for at least one hour.
e. When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into the skin or cleaned off using a clean flannel cloth.
f. Take it easy for a couple of hours after doing this castor oil wrap application.
Is A Castor Oil Pack Safe?
Castor oil has the ability to be absorbed by the skin to relax smooth muscle present in many organs like lymphatic vessels, uterus, fallopian tubes, bowels, gall bladder, and even the liver.

Castor oil therapy using packs is very safe. There are a few situations in which castor oil packs should not be used, like menstrual bleeding, acute stomach gas, serious intestinal conditions, on broken skin, and of course during pregnancy.
Duration of Castor Oil Therapy for Fertility
It is recommended to try castor oil packs for a few months before trying to conceive, just to be on the safe side because castor oil has a detox effect which moves all the toxins away from your organs.

More about Castor Oil On Facebook

After that you can apply castor oil packs only until ovulation, while trying to get pregnant. Do not take it orally because it is a strong laxative and can induce uterine contractions. As a practitioner, I do not recommend doing an herbal detox while doing castor oil treatments because the detox effect can be too strong. If you are on an herbal liver or bowel cleanse, do castor oil packs only once or twice a week.

It is not harmful to your body but you may experience detox symptoms that may make you fell unwell. These symptoms are transient and their duration depends on the level of toxicity of your body. If you do experience them, ease off on the frequency of the castor oil therapy sessions.
Natural Health and Castor Oil Uses
In my opinion there are a number of natural health therapies that work well with castor oil therapy because they help increase blood flow to the reproductive organs decreasing uterine and ovarian congestion. They are yoga, massage therapy and nutrition. Castor oil pack work really well in conjunction with self fertility massage.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil from Facebook

Castor Oil from the Blog * click below
More about Castor Oil

Castor Oil cold pressed minyak Jarak dan kegunaannya..

1.Sakit otot dan saraf

kesakitan yang disebabkan oleh otot atau masalah saraf dan radang saraf, seperti sciatica, boleh dirawat dengan memampatkan minyak kastor luar.

Satu kajian oleh Institut Meridian menunjukkan bahawa beberapa penyerapan 'Transdermal minyak kastor berlaku apabila ia diurut atau diletakkan pada kulit. Ciri-ciri anti-radang membantu untuk mengurangkan kesakitan dan ketegangan di dalam badan.
Untuk melegakan sakit otot atau saraf sakit, urut ke atas kulit atau rendam tuala atau kain kapas yang lembut dalam minyak jarak dan letak di kawasan sakit.

Bungkus dengan plastik untuk mmengelakkan titisan minyak. Tuala panas atau botol air panas boleh digunakan di atas untuk berehat otot dan penembusan kelajuan komponen minyak kastor melalui kulit ke dalam otot.

2. Untuk Kedut (sharing is caring)

Minyak jarak membantu untuk mencegah kedutan apabila digunakan dengan kerap.
Minyak jarak adalah pilihan yang baik kerana ia tidak mempunyai bau Walaupun minyak jarak tidak meninggalkan rasa berminyak pada kulit anda, ia masih tidak mungkin menjadi pilihan yang baik jika anda mempunyai kulit berminyak.

langkah 1
(cold pressed) Jenis minyak adalah lebih halus diproses, jadi ia tidak akan menyumbat liang roma.

langkah 2
Sapukan lapisan cahaya minyak kastor di bawah mata dan di dahi anda, di mana kedutan mungkin lebih menonjol. Minyak jarak juga boleh digunakan pada kedut leher

langkah 3
Urut minyak ke dalam kulit anda sehingga ia diserap sepenuhnya. Anda tidak perlu menggosok terlalu kuat atau memohon terlalu banyak tekanan. Gosok ringan atau tepuk untuk mengelakkan regangan kulit anda.

langkah 4
Sapu sebelum tidur supaya kulit anda mempunyai masa semalaman untuk menyerap minyak. Basuh muka anda pada waktu pagi dengan menggunakan air suam.

3. Untuk Rambut

Credits to: Aug 11, 2011 | By Stephen Harding

Castor oil has many uses. It's often ingested as a laxative but is also thought to benefit the hair when applied as a mask or wash. suggests a weekly treatment of castor oil for the hair to maintain smoothness and softness. Castor oil is sometimes used as a natural home remedy for hair loss. The application of this oil, whether effective in preventing hair loss or not, is like any other oil and can provide extra moisture to hair. Castor oil is odorless, unlike many other oil products suitable for hair.

Step 1
Mix 1/4 cup castor oil with 1/4 cup water directly before hair treatment.

Step 2
Massage the scalp and hair down to the ends with the mixture.

Step 3
Rinse the hair with warm water. When possible, wrap the hair with a towel and leave it overnight for intensive hydration treatment.

Read more:

4. Untuk Kesuburan ( Wanita yang sukar hamil)

Minyak Jarak meningkat kesuburan
Minyak jarak dila disapukan pada perut bolih membaikki penyakit2 dalam usus dan peranakkan yang seterusnya bolih meningkatkan kessuburan.

Jika anda sedang mencuba untuk hamil, gunakan minyak jarak pack mulai lepas habis haid iaitu hari ke8 hingga hari ke 12. Kain tuala yang telah dibasahi dengan minyak jarak diletakkan atas perut dibahagian ari2 selama
30-60 minit. Diatas tuala berminyak letakan plastik dan diatas plastik diletakkan bag air panas (hot water bottle).

Selepasa rawatan. tuala belumur minyak jarak dimasukan dalam bag plastik dan disimpan dalam fridge. Ia bolih diulang pakai sebanyak 20-30 kali

Anda juga bolih beli sendiri minyak jarak dikedai runcit dan sediakan tuala muka untuk buat pek minyak jarak dengan melumurkan minyak kepada tuala muka tersebut.